
Chronicles of Narnia Study Book 1: The Magician's Nephew

I've been learning more about C.S. Lewis and The Chronicles of Narnia after my middle school daughter was looking to do some end-of-summer summer reading. I didn't realize that The Chronicles of Narnia actually consisted of seven books, and neither did my daughter.  Although the books weren't written in chronological order, they can be read in this order.
I found a Narnia boxed set of the books on Amazon for around $30, which brings the cost of each book down to around $4.25 a piece.  My daughter loves fantasy stories, mysteries and books that reflect a character's ethical growth.  After reading a few of the reviews on the Amazon page, I decided the books would be perfect for my daughter, and I was looking forward to reading them, too.

I decided to tie her reading in with some sort of a study and vocabulary words, and would use the time spent on the home work toward the 875 hours of education per year that kids are required to complete in Wisconsin.  It's late in August, she has many free hours on her hands, and she is gobbling up the books in the Chronicles of Narnia series, so why not "make hay while the sun shines"?

I had a difficult time finding Narnia unit studies that were age-appropriate for a middle schooler.  Just about everything I found was for grades 3-5, which surprised me because although the books are a fairly quick read, there are a lot of upper level concepts in the books.  So, I started putting together my own Chronicles of Narnia study for middle school by using the study questions found at love2learn.net and some of the vocabulary words list on this Narnia Unit Study.  I found these pages while doing some searching off of The Old Schoolhouse Chronicles of Narnia study page, which is an excellent resource for putting together a Narnia unit study.

Here are the questions I compiled for the first book in the Narnia series, The Magician's Nephew:
I'll publish the study sheets I put together for each book in the Narnia series as I complete them.

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